Life is so funny …. I thought I was in control of my emotions.. and nothing could bother me unless I allowed it to… 

Well I was put to the test this month.. proving that I don’t have as much control as I thought I did.. haha 😂…..

I have always lived by myself with my boys.. and of course they adapted my need for quietness and calmness.. 

I’m normally a happy person that doesn’t get annoyed and is very tolerant of certain things.. 

I decided to invite a young couple to live in my home.. for rent.. 

I’m a little financially strapped and the extra money was quite enticing for me.. 

I allowed them to pay me with their first paycheck.. they agreed with the amount.. and didn’t have any complaints and we decided it was official until they can find somewhere more suitable… 

Haaa!!! Come time to pay me.. they give me only part and said they found an apartment and leaving.. 

And the young man gave a lecture with all the reasons he could not pay me.. from the condition of the room to the him having bills.. 

I didn’t say a word .. apart from telling him to pay me what he owes me and go… 

I really don’t like to argue with young people.. And as far as I am concerned.. he is free to do what he wants.. 

I was a little disappointed 😔.. because I was hoping for a. Continuous  flow of rent/money to get back on track…

But he was rude .. and his life style is not my cup of tea… 


Okay 👌

The day after my son comes pleading on his behalf … asking me not to be unkind and allowed them to stay for another month.. 

I was very reluctant to give in to his suggestions.. but I did say yes … I will do it…

So.. I went to them.. tell them I wanted to talk to them about staying on.. 

lol and behold.. he said he is leaving the 1st.. to stay at a extended stay… 

I was both glad.. and a little mad.. 

And it’s been two days since he tells me this and I can’t wait for them to leave … 

all of a sudden I find myself so annoyed 😒 and lacking tolerance.. 

Everything they do.. bothers me.. I have to force myself to ignore them.. and I’m feeling like a stranger in my own home…

I’m very disappointed with my behavior.. I really thought I was more in control of my emotions.. 

I don’t know if it’s because they would rather pay to stay somewhere else than pay me to stay here… 

or is it because they are freeloaders .. staying here increasing my bills….And taking advantage of my kindness..?

I just want them to go.. now.. 

I will find some other way to come up with that extra money I need… 

They are too much more than what it’s worth…. 

I’m so sorry that I have to open my home 🏡 to people because of my financial situation… 

It’s so damn hard to live with people you don’t know anything about…and to put up with their rudeness .. and abusing attitude.. 


What was I thinking.????


53 thoughts on “TOLERANCE…vs.. ANNOYANCE…

  1. It’s the violation of personal space. Yes, you invited them but sunconsciously they will always feel like invaders. I think it would be true even if they were pleasant…😞

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m the same way. I love my cousin to death but last time she brought her BF in with her when she stayed with me and I nearly lost my fucking mind. He’s a buddy of mine and I still thought I would die. That was when I admitted to myself I had changed enough and been alone long enough that my space is just that, MINE alone!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Maan.,
          I really hate to share my space..

          But worst is to have someone upsetting my peace of mind.. with behavioral problems I just don’t want to or can’t cope with ..

          Aaaah Sam..
          money is really the root of all evil..,
          That was my reason for letting them in…

          Liked by 1 person

  2. sex line stories

    wow I couldn’t do dealing with this! theres got to be another way!! As an adult its really hard to have others in your personal space. good luck on dealing with this xx

    Liked by 3 people

  3. A contract was made even if it was verbal, to pay for staying. It is a shame they can’t uphold their side and of the deal. I can only hope if you do this again, you will get the $$ up front like most places that rent.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep..
      I will definitely not be so kind and trying to be understandable. Next time around…

      We have an agreement… and that’s why I allowed them to stay till the last day of this month..
      I am just praying that the do leave without me asking

      Liked by 1 person

                    1. Fall in love 😍..?????

                      I would love to be be in love 😍???!!! But no…

                      My disability has been approved..
                      so I’m good 😊 moving forward…

                      It couldn’t have come through at a more opportune moment

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Happy 😃 New Year Luis..

                      I really do understand.. I strayed a little myself..
                      I just decided to start writing ✍️ again..

                      Life does that you know..

                      And thanks for not forgetting me..
                      you are only but a thought away yourself..

                      Liked by 1 person

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