STRANGER THINGS HAVE HAPPEN: A Bitter Sweet Re-connection…

I got my wish…my dream to reconnect with My SWEET ALLEN..

He came back online and when I saw him.. I said hi..

He did not respond immediately and so after a couple of days I tried again.. I wasn’t too sure if it was him or someone new with his old number…but his page became active and I was so curious and hopeful that its him….

He responded .. asking what’s my name…

I told him.. Wendy/ Nita..

He went silent.. so I just comment that it seems like he doesn’t want to talk to me…

He replied with.. he doesn’t think it would be healthy…

I had heard those same words from him before… when I had suggested that he come see let me know the man who stole my heart..

That has convinced me…It was Allen..I smile so pleased that I got a chance to talk to him again..

I have waited so long to see him again.. and here he is…

I tried talking to him.. telling how I was so happy to see him back.

“I have waited two years for you to come back on. ..Please talk to me a little .. I asked of him…

“I won’t get all crazy on you ..” I promised..

“Just this once..

I have always hope you would have come back.. ”

I keep trying to talk.. but he was not responding…

I then told him that I ran our story on my blog and just how much my audience loved it.. and I sent him two of my best recent photos…

Trying to let him see I’m not as gross looking as he thought I was..

And I left him at that…

It felt so good to see him back but obviously he didn’t really care to reconnect with me..

I felt a little disheartening but a little understanding… I promise myself to leave him alone… I stood there so consumed with thoughts of him.. and I keep going back in time remembering our last communications and conversations and how cold he was towards me…

Just how hurt he was that.. that beautiful tall thin girl was not Available to him…and how he hated me for giving him her then taking her away and replacing me as substitute… me… no comparison..  He  just couldn’t get pass my deception and lies..

I sit here again.. after two years…with tears in my eyes… still wanting to be that girl…  knowing I could never be a replacement…

And knowing I gave him her as a visual…

I guess I had better leave it where it’s at..

My wounds are still wet on the inside and very easy to reopen …  my heart may never be mended…

Yes it all come flooding back and I was drowning in self-pity..  regrets of deception and Of losing him…and guilt of being so wrong…

A couple of hours later he responded to me..

“Wow! I think I’d like to read your blog. And thank you for the pictures.”

I smile so huge.. and ask him if he wanted me to send him the links to the episodes..

He replied..”yes please do..”

I was thinking he was just being nice.. but I sent him the first three sequels..

I was hoping he would see how well I had improved on my writing and I wanted his comments..

I waited up to three days anticipating his comments on our story  and the chance of having him connecting and communicating  with me again.. I was hoping our story would be a icebreaker ..

None came.. he seems to just be ignoring me.. so I decided to send him a Text.. to reassure him.. 

“Hey  ..

I’m just here thinking about you.. 

Yesss I still do.. 
I understand your reluctance to connect with me again.. 
and I’m so pleased  that you didn’t block me.. 

Anyways it’s been two years since our time together…
And I have moved beyond it.. I have grown some.. and got a little experience with social media.. 

Tango has been my friend and I have made some really good friends on over the last two years.. 
I waited this long to see you back here.. 
But I won’t be a bother.  

Promise…. “

To my surprise.. he answered….

“You’re super sweet and I’m not worried at all.”

I just replied.. “smiling huge “.

I didn’t think he really wanted to talk to me so I didn’t try to instigate a conversation….

I will just leave him alone … for now…


I wanted to remain unattached and try not be harassing and give him his space.. after all it’s been two years since our little affair and it ended on a bad note.. and the question of why he is back on, have me reflecting  on how we all met.. he could be just here to browse to find girls to have  a good time..

I find myself thinking about him, and I feel my emotions re surfacing but it comes with doubts.. he hasn’t given me any reasons to believe that he is interested in reconnecting in any way with me…

I decided to just ignore him for a while.. he hasn’t block me so I will wait and see if he reached out to me..

Two weeks passed and of course he didn’t so on valentine’s day I decided to send him a valentine’s greetings and the link to the epilogue of our story which include our only valentine’s we shared..with a little note..

“just want to share he epilogue of our story..and the valentine’s day we shared…still remember you and your words…

“And I still holds you so close to my heart..Thank you so much for loving me and giving me one of the best experience ever…I truly enjoyed every single moment we shared..


I got nothing back…

Two days after was my birthday so I text him to remind him.. And let him know that I would love to see a birthday wish from him..

And He obliged… I was elated… he text…

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!! I hope you are happy and healthy and enjoying you day.. Please make sure you take a moment to enjoy something just for you today..”

I responded quite happily,

Smiling huge 😊
Cheesecake and wine 🍷

That’s my treat..
And thank you 😊 so very much for my birthday 🎉 wish..
It’s like divine bliss..
I so appreciate you taking time to stopping by..

it gives me such a thrill..

you still means the world 🌎 to me..
Always.. Wendy/ Nita..

“Have a  great night wendy..” he text back…

It kinda bothers me that he never address me by the nickname he gave me…but I think I was just being petty .

I was so pleased that he took the time to wish me happy  birthday…




75 thoughts on “STRANGER THINGS HAVE HAPPEN: A Bitter Sweet Re-connection…

      1. Nita it’s nice to see that you have found someone you like, forgive me if you feel I’m being too forward but I think you shouldn’t push yourself too much or make yourself dependent upon his responses.

        Give yourself some space and time from him to heal, he doesn’t seem to be forthcoming with his delayed responses or none at all. Do you want it like this?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks so much for your great advice…

          You have to understand why I’m so pleased 😁 to talk to him.

          But I’m trying to contain my desires. And leave him be..

          You are right.. he doesn’t really have the desires to reconnect with me on certain levels..

          But part two is coming out this weekend.. check it out..
          Maybe you will understand us some more..

          Liked by 1 person

        1. So true Paul..
          and I’ve been holding on to these feelings every so tightly..

          But I have accepted our fate..
          And a little hesitant 😕 and apprehensive ..

          But my feelings are still so very strong… and holding back is so hard..
          thank you for being so understanding .. it’s really not as as easy to move beyond it..

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It’ll click into place for you before long. Getting over a person is very difficult when you don’t physically WANT to get over them. You need another man to come along and sweep you off your feet I think 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

        1. Your favorite blog..???!!!!

          Oooooh my..
          you have me smiling so brightly..

          Thank you girl.. because it’s my favorite story..
          I’m so happy 😊 that you are enjoying it with me..


            1. Laughing 😂 out loudly.. 🤣😂🤣😂

              It’s actually like a movie 🎥 dear..
              my whole life is like a movie ..
              With lots of reruns…

              You know no matter how bad and sad things ends up..
              the joys and the times with all the wonderful feelings and memories attached..

              Make these ending of sad 😭 and bad. All so worthwhile….
              and I’m always so very happy 😊 and elated to have the experience of such profound joy and exhilaration .. the thrill of it all..
              Without it..
              we wouldn’t know that pain and sorrow…

              I call it the sweetest hurt there is..
              and through the tears I smile..
              when I reminisce..!!

              Sorry to be so elaborating..
              but I’m just in one of my nostalgic moods..


                1. Oooooh Maaan.. I should have been a writer.
                  You are so sweet.. and you have just become my biggest fan..

                  You have take the good from every fond moments..
                  and never regret.. But savor..

                  Thanks for my sweet girl..
                  I’m smiling tons..


  1. Hi Nita, I’ve missed you😘 Sounds like a complicated history with him but seems like some of his pain (and yours) may have faded with time. You are sometimes hard on yourself about what you are able to offer a man. You have such beautiful spirt, kind heart, and divinely erotic mind 😈😇 You deserve a man that will return the same love and passion to you that you give to him.💞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Michael..
      You are so insightful to assume that our pain has diminished and dissipated with time..

      I guess you are right about my self worth..
      and thanks for all those lovely sensational adjectives that you used to describe me…

      He made me feel exactly how you are making me feel right now..
      And that’s why I’m so emotionally attached with this intensity…
      I have hold on to the feeling.. trying not to loose it..

      So I’m smiling tons.. Michael..
      you just made my day….

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you 😊 dearest Michael…
          I’m so happy 😊 to know I made you day with my interactions..

          You always say the sweetest things.. you write so beautifully and everything you say touch me in a way which is unexplainable..

          I feel that energy too..

          … I just released part two today..
          tell me what you think.. ???


  2. It’s hard to hold back. It took me years to get over a guy. Funny how the internet gives so much more emotion than in real life. We anticipate so much . We hope for much more than there is. The feelings are true for that moment in time. Unrequited love. Good luck with him. Been there done that and well hehehe live for the moment 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep…
      unrequited love…
      Maaan.. it’s the most beautiful frustrating kind of love there is…
      I guess we never really get over someone we really love…
      He was first online emotional affair.. and I just never realized how easily one could feel connected and how words can creates emotions so intense…
      as you said we anticipated and hope for so much more.. we only see and imagine exactly what we wanted..
      thanks for being so sweet and understanding of my experience…
      Lol 😂.. I have been living in that moment…and actually loving every single minute …

      Smiling tons 😊🤗😃

      Liked by 1 person

          1. May be we were meant to be friends 😂 after the years I’ve been thinking what’s the thing that made me fell? Nothing much .But in the moment oh my..


            1. Oooooh my .. is the word..

              It’s all about In moment when everything is so beautiful 😍 and right.. and when you are feeling on top of the world 🌎.

              Maybe our paths has crossed for this purpose..
              It’s always so awesome when you find someone who you are insync with..
              and share the same views on things..
              I will love to be your friend…dewy

              Liked by 1 person

    1. Smiling huge…
      I always love when someone says , “I’m a good 😊 writer “…

      It’s really a wonderful feeling..,
      Because I want to be that good…
      and I know I’m lacking so much..

      Thanks for reading and liking..

      I will always check out your posts… and I’m sure I will enjoy your stories too

      Liked by 1 person

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